NZ Radio Awards: Grey Areas, History to Hair and Loathing

NZ Radio Awards celebrates all things audio including radio, digital and podcasts

NZ Radio Awards 2023. Image supplied.


The RBA New Zealand Radio Awards 2023 was held in Auckland on Thursday 1 June, bringing together radio and the media from around the country to celebrate the hard work invested in bringing radio, podcasts and digital content to life. Last year’s event reverted to a virtual one, so a chance to bring the industry together in the same room was welcomed by attendees.

Close to the Mic scanned the list for the podcast winners which ranged from what it means to age gracefully and embracing the body beautiful with Grey Areas, to some hairy questions in RNZ’s Hair and Loathing, sports talk with ACC’s the Agenda, and more.


Grey Areas (rova/ Love it Media) Grey Areas with Petra Bagust is about growing up and going grey, in Aotearoa New Zealand because I’m getting older. And so are you. So how do we do it well?


The Agenda (Alternative Commentary Collective - ACC) The Agenda features interviews and major talking points from the world of sports, the urban dictionary, and more.


Rock Drive with Jay and Dunc (The Rock Network) All gas, no brakes...the dogs are off the leash so buckle up!

Best Documentary or Factual Talk Feature - SEASONAL

Hair and Loathing (RNZ/ Tahi) Hair and Loathing examines all things body hair, whether you love it or loathe it you may feel differently after listening to how women from different ethnic backgrounds and at different stages of their lives experience their body hair, which in some cases, is here, there, and everywhere!

Best Documentary or Factual Talk Feature - EPISODIC

Country Life (RNZ) Country Life takes you down country roads to meet ordinary people achieving their dreams. We live in a beautiful country and we'd love to show it. Have you got a great photo? Drop us an email below.

Best Factual Podcast - Episodic

Joint Winners - Our Changing World, and The Detail

Our Changing World (RNZ) Stories about science and nature from out in the field and inside the labs across Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Detail (RNZ/ Newsroom) The Detail team deliver weekday content to make sense of the big stories with the country’s best journalists and experts. Produced by Newsroom for RNZ, and made possible by NZ on Air. Listen on RNZ National at 6.30pm Monday-Thursday.

Best Factual Podcast - Seasonal

The Aotearoa History Show: The story of New Zealand and its people from its geological origins to modern day, hosted by William Ray, Māni Dunlop & Leigh-Marama McLachlan, with animation by Chris Maguren.


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